Here's how we should deal with little blue men in matchmaking

  1. Okay, so what's your cut off for "experienced accounts"? Is it 50 hours? 100? 500? Seems pretty arbitrary to me.

  2. And how about "unusually high skill"? How do you define that? If a new account is playing against high ranks they will be ranked higher. If you're judging it based on statistics against low ranks then it's pretty inconclusive. Any half-competent person with non-CS FPS experience can easily have success against other new players, it doesn't mean they fit into MG ranks or even Novas.

  3. Two smurfs per team on AVERAGE? Pretty laughable.

  4. Are there really enough people playing? Playerbase is already segmented by ranks and indirectly by region. If this post wasn't already so ridiculous this might actually be a real issue.

  5. How does one get out of the smurf pool? If you start out of the smurf pool and start doing too well will you get put into it? If so, then every time someone starts to understand the game better they get put into this arbitrary pool instead of getting promoted. If not you just dodge the system and smurf as usual.

  6. No one has suggested it because there's no metric to reliably separate smurfs from other players.

  7. What other games segments player bases in this way? I'm actually interested.

I really wish this was just a troll post, because it would be much better than a ridiculous, whiny rant. Even though it's pretty awful, I still find the state of smurfing kind of funny. Everyone was bitching about "Oh I'm only a Nova 1 and I have to play against an MG2 who has silvers on his teams and he carries so hard, it's not fair. Fix matchmaking". Well they tried, not understanding the problem, and made things worse because they didn't offer an unranked alternative along with matchmaking restrictions and this is the result. The only difference is instead of bitching about unfair ranks (and to be fair, some were understandable), now it's more unclear and everyone just cries smurf or cheats every time they lose.

/r/GlobalOffensive Thread