How to show love while giving space?

She hasn't been wrong in asking me for time. I sleep too much and I know it. My sleep cycle is so jacked up that I can easily sleep for 17+ hours if I don't set an alarm and force myself out of bed. We've tried scheduling times before, but due to my sleeping I've missed several of those scheduled times. Admittedly, we've severely cut back on date nights and gifts due to increasing bills. It's funny that you mention roommates, because that's been a contention point. We've both stated that we feel more like roommates than lovers. Her three main issues are: 1) Quality time together, 2) Communication, or rather my lack of, and 3) consistency. We've had conversations about all of those three topics, and I've taken steps to improve them. But I've always gotten lazy and let them slip, so she feels like I don't care. To answer your specific question, her biggest issue is that she feels alone, and therefore that I don't care. I'm working so much because I accepted the first job I could out of high school, and I've just stayed with the company. My goal now is to get certified in IT so I can hopefully find a better paying job with regular business hours. She has supported me completely on achieving my goals. I feel guilty when she gets upset with for me choosing to sleep, because she's absolutely right. I really do want to hang out with her more. I can't really think of anything I need from her, because up until now she's already been more than patient and more than fair with me. I just got off a twelve hour shift, and when I got home, we sat and had a long discussion. Her side of the discussion was summarized into "I give up on us, I think it might be time for us to separate" while mine was making promise after promise after promise that I would regulate my sleep schedule so we have more time together, and drastically improve my communication. She agreed to give me one more chance to fix it. I have neither feelings of resentment nor feelings of disappointment with her.

TL;DR - I have had a tendency to sleep through all of the time we're supposed to be spending together, and it's caused her to put up walls higher and longer than the Great Wall of China.

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