How do you work with generic feedback after dates?

No, I would count that as always a sexual attraction issue, but rarely related to your looks unless your pictures online aren't representative of you.

I'd say that it usually falls under one out of 3 categories

1: No individuality.

You're pleasant to talk to, but here is too little opinion in your, you're just nice.

There is to little conflict between the two of you. .. By this I don't mean that you must argue with her, but that there has to be differences between the two of you. That you gotta own these. Too many guys are just pleasers and too careful.

In the same spirit a lack of drive might be an issue to. What are you trying to do, how does she fit into that with her good and bad sides?

  1. To needy

This needs no explanation. Without offering any of the above, too many men are needy and relationship focused, which is a huge turn off. You can state that you're looking for a relationship, but add the words "with you" to that and you're dead.

  1. No sexual escalation.

Paradox is that the way that you best prove that you're not desperate is by escalating sexually. It shows you know your way around women, that you know what you are capable of and that you have drive.

If there is chemistry and she is enjoying herself you gotta pile on and see if you can get her naked. Talk about sexual preferences or tell her you'd like to see her naked

The secret her is to be direct and honest. No creepy crawly insinuations. No trying to steal kisses or lay your hand on her. Just be direct.

The other secret is to keep a smile on your face, pull back if her mood drop and if she shots you down then just keep smiling, say no problem and keep the good date going. Rejection is no big deal and often you'll get a new chance later on.

I'm guessing that your issue is number 3.

You sound like you're getting plenty of dates. You should be making out on several of those and probably should sleep with women on those too. Sometimes it is not proper, but often it is .. and if you're never doing any of these thing then I'd venture the statement that you're doing it wrong.

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