How would this horrific and torturous experience be explained from an awakened perspective? (WARNING: Possibly NSFL - Very graphic descriptions of torture. Very disturbing content)

I haven't watched the video, just read the conversations below here. From my perspective I feel it comes down to relativism.. you can't know bliss without knowing pain. And vice versa.

Everything leans on everything, you wouldn't be able to conceive of happiness if death, pan and torture did not exist. Alan watts said something similar, "you can't know you're happy unless you have the worst possible scenario in the back of your mind." (He said it differently, I just don't remember the exact wording.)

You could mull over the horrid side of reality that allows these things, or you could be thankful for them and what they can teach you. And that they point you towards their polar opposite purely by existing.

That's life. I can't really imagine any other way it could have happened. How can you know something without knowing what it's not?

Perhaps it's not the best answer, because it doesn't solve the problem. And maybe there is an exact balance where everything can hang in the middle thus avoiding all the bad... but for now be thankful and see what you can learn from it. Like others have said, enlightenment isn't suddenly having all the answers. It's the realization that you already know what they are. That you always have.

And the answer can't be pointed to, but you can follow the finger.

Like what if the next stage after we die, doesn't lean on that relativism because everything about that should be learned through this experience? Perhaps continuous bliss is possible in the sense that having already learned the lesson, the peace will follow.

Imagine how boring life would be if we just had all the answers.. change is the only permanence in this universe it seems, and I don't think were meant to have them.

And if that doesn't give you a sense of peace, and instead gives an anxiety, meditate on it perhaps, smoke a bowl. Think about it and where it's coming from.

I'm right there with you though, although I don't fear death anymore, I fear dying, and pain. But an experience is an experience I suppose.. and seeing as most of it is out of our control, all we can do as creatures who crave control is to channel that into control over our reactions to it all.

That in itself is one of the biggest insights I've stumbled upon, it's beautiful just the way it is. And as cliche as it sounds, it's mind over matter, we create our own existence. Hardships may even be the most beautiful thing there is, because once again, without them happiness cannot be known.

Countless groups over the ages have seen the bleak reality behind the veil, and although there's probably a lot we will never know in this stage of the journey.. do what you can in this moment. And find peace in the way that things are.

But I'm no one to preach to another :) because every word I share teaches me more than I could ever give out. I'm just thankful for the opportunities we have to freely express these ideas in this day and age.

/r/awakened Thread Link -