How would you rate the impactfullness of each role in the pro scene?

  1. jg two types of ops right now: cinderhulk tanks (maoki is crazy) and duskblade users (rengar!) Junglers control the pace of the game
  2. sup Vision is key to winning team fights and objective control. In addition to playmaking supports being meta (very impactful in making picks to create leads early game), with the arise of tanks in 7.14 peeling for high dps mids and ads is very important (e.g. adrian's janna in game 2 of Dig v TSM this week)
  3. Mid Damage output is important, but their true value comes from roam potential due to their location at the center of the map.
  4. ADC Consistent dps is important to winning team fights in the new tank meta, and extremely important in taking towers. That said their primary relevance is late game in the latest patch. This means they have less opportunity to create leads for their team than jg support and mid.
  5. Top Due to the decrease in the relevance of split push champions on this patch, top lane will be more and more tanks. Top doesn't give much ability to set up for plays around objectives (like literally every other role: jungle/support/mid for vision control and picks, jungle for smite, adc to play around first tower gold and dps for dragon) and so they are pretty much useless in all aspects of the game except late-game team fights.
/r/leagueoflegends Thread