Howard Dean: Clinton-DNC agreement was 'standard operating procedure'

I watch cbs this morning before work (that ones my choice) and I work where tv news is on all day (multiple stations multiple tvs, none my choice) and he was on that shit every day all day, next to "Hillary's an evil moron murderous murderer who committed treason by having a private server". Meanwhile bernie was the saint yelling about burning down the rich while trump was spewing lies left and right and not being called out on his shit. Bernie was bathing in positive stories while Hillary was being crucified and trump's every tweet and word was being amplified. I'm sorry morning joe didn't suck Bernie's balls more but that's a really inaccurate representation of the over all coverage. The coverage i saw was ridiculously similar from MSNBC to CNBC to CNN to fox to network news. All Saint Bernard, all the time. I think the coverage pretty much soured every last person I work with on bernie because it was just so over the top "bernie is the victim" "Bernie is the only moral upstanding citizen". I'll be happy if I never have to hear "Bernie sanders" ever again.

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