Humans are devasting the Amazon rainforest

When I was a kid in the 90's this was HOT TOPIC. We have to save the rainforest. This was ingrained into us. Then I hit high school, never heard about concern for the rainforest again until the last few years, when the Brazilian president was accused of making the situation much worst.

The situation is not odd. It is terrifying though, and I'll tell you why, besides the obvious environmental issue.

People live in the rainforest, and those people are usually uncontacted natives that have no idea about the outside world. The terrifying part is that loggers kill these people and wipe them out in order to continue tearing down the forest for commercial reasons. There is no consequence for this. In fact, "Under President Bolsonaro, loggers and ranchers have been emboldened to increase their assault on indigenous lands." Source:

It's not just happening in Brazil, Peru too.

For more information:

/r/oddlyterrifying Thread Link -