Husband insists 2 year old needs to be potty trained. I don’t think she’s ready.

My daughter turned 2 in November and has been fully potty trained (aside from nighttime) since she was about 16 months. We followed her lead and around 12 months she would ask to sit on our potty so we let her. After about a week she was telling us she had to go more often and emptying her bladder more. By 14 months she was stopping in the middle of swim class to have me take her to the potty. We have a seat for her that is built into our regular seat and a stool, so she goes on her own.

The important thing is to follow their lead and not put stress on them. The first few days my daughter wanted to sit on the potty she didn’t actually go, and we didn’t stress. She also still occasionally has an accident but it’s not anything we make a big deal of.

/r/Mommit Thread