Husband who beat wife's heroin dealer with baseball bat gets probation

I'm not saying it's a simple issue, I'm saying that there are plenty of cases where the dealer got a person addicted or contributed to their getting addicted, and I'm also saying that there are plenty of cases where a person chose to take hard drugs to deal with their problems on their own. It's a complex issue for sure, there are a bunch or reasons why someone would take hard drugs, some are on the person taking them, some are on the person selling them, there's no generalization you can make for why people take drugs, he'll I've known people who didn't take drugs because they had problems, but because they just loved the high they got. This kind of thing is case by case, but there is one general thing I've seen with dealing, people who sell pot or party drugs aren't in it for the money as much, many of them do it to afford their own supply, because they want to make friends, or even because they want to make a little extra spending money on top of the legitimate job they have, rarely do dealers of soft drugs sell strictly as a main source of income, which means they usually don't have a need to generate demand for their supply. Hard dealers are another matter, most I've met are in it for money, it's about a 70/30 split between dealers associated with a gang or criminal organization and independent dealers, the non independent ones being in the majority. This is an important factor because while some small time gangs do what they do for pride or to feel powerful, the big organizations do it for profit, they're a lot like a legitimate corporation actually, money is the bottom line, and they don't much care about the consumer. Now since these big organizations try to make as much money as they can they reach their dealers tricks to gain customers, and when the dealer has a problem with these tactics what ends up happening is the higher management forces them to do things they normally wouldn't by threatening them or their family, cajoling them, or both, this can lead to the dealer who isn't okay with doing those things compromising their morals because they didn't know what they were getting into and end up with no way out that isn't a body bag. After their morals have been compromised they start to forget those morals, they can't leave so they just follow orders, they stop caring because it hurts to much, that or they try to run away (usually stealing money or product to help sut themselves up with a new life) and either successfully get away (which is a rare occurrence) or fail and get killed, or they end up killing themselves out of guilt or as a means of escaping their position. Now independent dealers are a little different, some try to deal in the AOO (area of operation) of the bigger organizations, they usually get run off, killed, or recruited, others deal where there is no AOO of an organization, these types can be desperate, dealing because they don't, or don't believe, they have any other choice, they can be moral and try dealing but end up getting out after they find they can't make enough money without giving up their morals, they're straight up amoral and they don't care about the damage they cause to their consumers, or they're working in an area where they don't have competition, rendering the need to make customers moot, of course this last one can apply to dealer affiliated with an organization, which can contribute to "getting too deep", as they can keep their morals for a time, but when competition comes in they're forced to take one of the options I mentioned above. All in all its extraordinary complex, with all kinds of reasons for dealing, I've met many dealers in my time and I've been privy to quite a fair deal of the interworkings of organized crime and independent crime, I apologize for the rant, but I felt the need to properly explain a lot of this stuff, I am very knowledgeable on the subject of crime that isn't based on emotion (meaning crimes like rape or murdering a spouse), if you or anyone else has any questions please feel free to ask, I'd be happy to answer to the best of my ability.

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