Has anyone ever broke up with someone because they were scared of how strongly they felt? Has anyone been broken up with someone and they believe this to be the reason?

She did give some reasons, but none seemed serious enough to end a relationship. She broke it off with her most recent ex over a year ago (he had substance abuse issues), and she maintained a fairly normal routine until ‘she let herself go’ in October. Instead of doing meal prep she’d go to a bar with friends, stay up to late, drink too much, eat unhealthy, ignore a professional test she needed to take this coming fall, etc. She’s prioritizing those things again and has decided she can’t ‘fix herself’ while in a relationship.

I could understand her need to be alone to figure herself out, but they all seem like simple fixes- ones that might quite possibly be motivated by being in a relationship. Maybe I’m grasping at straws though. Maybe there’s more under the surface she never told me, but she’s been extremely open about everything (until the breakup) so I don’t have a reason to believe there is.

I will talk to her about it eventually, I’m just trying to respect NC for now. I honestly hope she tells me it’s a character flaw I have- at least I can swallow that. She told me she’d miss me, started crying, and told me she hopes she’s not making a mistake.

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