IamA College student by evenings and a Panera Baker by night AMA!

First, Move the Bake. It sounds pretty lucrative on paper, but how it's being practiced is... making it pretty horrible for the bakers.

Originally every baker would enter the cafe at 10 pm and work until 6:30 am. It wasn't that bad. I'd be able to sleep and then go to school. Well, now that they've "Moved" the bake at my store, I go in at midnight and get off at eight (I'll explain the missing thirty minutes in a moment). It, again, really doesn't seem that bad now does it?

When on the ten to six schedule, a bake has ten to five to bake until associates will arrive to start setting things up for the day. On the new schedule we only have midnight to five o'clock to bake things now. Yes, we are able to bake things after the store is open, but we have to turn customers away when we don't have the bread even out of the oven yet.

So even though Move the Bake is not working out everywhere, the company is pushing it no matter what because they spent too much money on it to stop it.

Now, since it's pretty hard to get everything done in eight hours with help (we get a certain amount due to how much dough we have that night), it's even harder now when they tell us we should do bakes that we originally get a few hours of support, we get none or not enough. Then we get reprimanded for going over our hours.

If our boss doesn't fudge our hours at the end of the week. She also likes to brow beat people into working off the clock and coming in on days off (which causes a lot of us to work 7+ days in a row).

Which some of it is illegal, but not all of it... yet it looks too good for her superiors to fire her.

Another policy I don't care for is the leftover policy, they have reduced it a lot in only a few days, so the donations aren't as much as they used to be and they like to steal from the next days bagels (since the dough is already in the cafe when the store open) and then place an add-on that doesn't arrive until we're preparing the bagels they didn't steal for the oven, which causes us to do another round of bagels. Which in turn slows us down... causing us to once again go over our hours.

TL;DR: Panera likes to fix things that aren't broken, causing things to then become broken.

/r/IAmA Thread