You know you want this ICP themed dietary supplement. Holy fuck...

Honestly, and this isn't a dig, you sound like you don't know jack shit about what you're putting into your body. Either you're full of bro-science or best-case-scenario you only read the bought and paid for fitness "professional" sales pitches for whatever your favorite pre-workout drink is.

For example, you're pretty much dumping your "extra" creatine directly into the toilet.

"Other lifters" research and source their supplements personally. The create their own workout drinks based on what their body needs micro and macro, not rely on a flashy label and a gimmick name. And they do it with the best supplements they can buy closest to pure as they can get. They also don't rely on a sugar/caffeine rush from your 50%,if even that much, buzzword of the year supplement drink to push out a few more reps when understanding why you're failing and what your body needs to get there is 1000% more effective.

College bro armless tank first day lifters sip on their pre-workouts and do bench press in the squat rack.

Then again you missed the previous point where I told you you were flat out wrong about what you were taking, and now seem to think pre-workout drinks are the only supplements there are, because if I don't like them I don't like any supplements? You're also taking my refusal to wave my dick at you as an admission that I haven't been working out for years, because bluster is the only thing you can understand? So it's starting to feel like I'm talking to a plank of wood here.

You don't know shit. Your drinks are shit. You need to do research. Period.

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