Idiot pulls out his gun at a car meet. Proceeds to get his ass whooped and then arrested.

the US would be closer to #3

Number 3 sucks. It's for looooosers (Trump voice).

Foam finger number one. USA. USA!

More than 1/2 of the US (the West, Mid-Atlantic, and New England) are actually at Western European levels... but the South and Midwest are bonkers.

I visited Wisconsin a couple of years ago and was taken back by what was 'normal.' I would skip a free breakfast (mostly processed carbs), have a lunch minus sides with only water, and grab a bag of veggies from the supermarket for dinner. Everyone around me was having three full meals a day. WTF. I'm 189cm and 85kg... so not exactly small.

A couple of people in their 50's told me they've experienced heart attacks... again, WTF. That's just not ok. I noticed they ate no veggies. Also, borderline obese... hmmm, a connection, no?

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