Ukrainian woman films and protests as her husband is conscripted by force

Equality means the outcomes are the same, while equity means everyone has even access to the tools needed to be successful.

Men and women are not the same - that's not to say one is better than the other, but it's like apples to oranges. There's a reason nurses are overwhelmingly women and mechanics are overwhelmingly men. One might say it's due to social standards, but how did those standards start?

Equality would be trying to make the sex of nurses and mechanics 50/50, and that just doesn't make sense to me. Equity is providing equal access to education, which I think we more or less have.

Though, I will concede that women have to fight against stereotypes when it comes to STEM. I'm a software dev and if I'm being honest, every time I see a female dev, some unconscious part of me is always doubting her ability. It sucks and I'm trying to work on getting rid of it but it's there and I'm not the only one

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