If you want to commit suicide, would you also like to donate your organs?

No way. I refuse to 'donate' within a circumscribed system of government coercion which tells me that I don't own my body.

In the rest of life, if you own something, a couch, let's say, you can sell it if you choose, or donate it if you choose.

When it comes to my body, the group of armed thugs that calls itself the state, has decided to use its men with guns and its prison cages and laws, to tell me that I will be, or someone will be, caged if my organs are sold. I own my body and my estate after my death has every right to be compensated fairly in the free market for providing this good.

To be told I cannot sell my couch, but can only 'donate' it, is not to have freedom or ownership over my couch. Same with my body.

So, in an unfree environment of authoritarian control over the dispensation of my organs, I protest and refuse to participate on principle. If I were given the freedom to choose between selling my organs and donating them, I might consider donating them. But given I have a gun to my head from control-freak thugs, they shall get nothing. That is the small penalty I can exact upon a world of control freaks who denied me true bodily ownership rights.

Would I take a donated organ to live? Yes absolutely. Would I travel to a country where organ sales are legal? yes, absolutely. Am I a hypocrite for considering accepting a donated organ given I would not donate one in the current legal environment myself? Am I hypocrite for considering accepting a donated organ when others have a gun to my head and a prison cage threat to make denying me the choice between buying an organ and accepting a donor one?

If people consented to donate under the current legal regime, they consented to donate without strings attached. I've seen many control freaks who love to deny people bodily ownership rights, assert that people like me should not be able to get an organ or this person or that person, the heavy drinker, the drug addict/enthusiast, the child molester, should not be allowed to have a donated organ, these are some of the things they say.

This just gives the lie to their supposed altruism, the control freakery we see on this issue. I'm just waiting for the day I get to donate my couch to goodwill with 'strings attached', I'm joking now, I imagine a scenario where only others who have signed up to donate their couches, ought to be allowed to accept a donor couch.

As it stands I live in the following world:

A world that denies me or my estate the right to compensation for the dispensation of the use others might get out of my mortal remains. A world that denies me the right to choice when it comes to my body.

The penalty is fuck you I'm not 'donating'.

Also, I'm well aware of the artificial, government created organ shortage, by denying free people the right to sell their organs, the supply remains limited, and innocent people die on socialist 'waiting lists'. These 'waiting lists' only exist because the violent state has ensured only tightly controlled 'donors' are the sole supply of this much needed good, organs. Supporting the current organ 'donation' socialism, means supporting people dying on waiting lists. A monstrous thing to support.

I can show you links to websites where people beg for kidneys, with photos of their faces and how long they've need one, literally begging, for some stranger to 'donate', why? Because the thug government has made clear that that man would be caged, and the person who provided him an organ for fair compensation would be caged, like animals, if they dared engage in organ commerce.

/r/SanctionedSuicide Thread