If Disney created a theme park for villains, what would some of the rides be?

  1. Technodrome!
    (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Shredder's lair/vehicle)

It's a roller coaster inside something like the Epcot center. It's an awesome light show, and you get to watch Shredder tear shit up.

  1. Eye of Sauron / Barad-Dur (Lord of the Rings)

It's a 'drop of doom' style ride. You sit, the seats go up a pole and eventually drops. However, it's contained within a 3D theater tube, you wear 3D glasses, and it doesn't fall too fast. What it does is give you a 3D show of the last moments from Sauron's perspective, seeing the armies amassing near the Black Gate, watching the Mordor wasteland for two Hobbit's....then you feel the ring destroyed (Seats shake) and the eye turns to look towards the mountain. As the tower is destroyed, your seats shift, your perspective falls as the seats start to descend (and the 3d Projection perspective falls with it) and once you reach the bottom, you get to see where Sauron goes when he 'dies'. (You may think he's dead...but alas, merely his presence in Middle-Earth. He had invested a LOT of power in that ring, so even in wherever he is, he's weakened, but not dead.)

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