If you don't see what's truly going on in Canada then I have bad news for you, you are the sheep

Hey, sorry I missed your comment in all of this, but I actually really appreciate this comment just so you know.

I think it's important to note I'm not fighting against anyone. I stood strong as long as I could until it came between me and my job. I'm not wealthy, I don't make a lot of money where I can sit on EI for months on end, so I did end up getting vaccinated to continue to provide for my family. I don't agree with what happened to me, but I made my choice and it was in the interest of my family, nothing else.

I'm also not against people who decided not be get vaccinated. If I could have went through life without this vaccination while still providing for my family I would have done that, no question. I didn't see the risk to myself, my family, or my friends by not being vaccinated. All my elderly family has since passed, I don't go out in public much, I work blue collar service by myself, I'm least at risk to infect anyone. I'm a pretty solitary fellow.

All of that being said, I still think people are missing the main point of my thread.

I never once said this had anything to do with the mandates. My main, absolute, bottom of the barrel concern is that this unorganized clusterfuck is going to be used against ordinary people like me and you to strip our rights away from freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, and freedom of information because of (potentially) bad actors.

That's literally my point in this whole thing and no one seems to understand. One bad apple ruins the bunch and we're currently living that. I also believe that 'one bad apple' doesn't come from foreign influence.

I don't know how I couldn't have made that more clear in my OP.

/r/conspiracy Thread Parent