If everything in the world is morally grey, does that mean we should do away with morality alltogether?

morality is complicated, especially when you try to come at it from a perspective where you apply blanket-rules on all of humanity.

Chances are, the principles you’ve applied to other people may be misguided since you likely don’t have all the facts - missing data, skewed conclusions, etc.

Best to refrain from judgement when you just don’t know the details of what’s going on, which is what makes things “grey”. Few things are truly black and white (harm to children, etc.).

Rather, focus on your own internal sense of morality because those are facts you have at your disposal at all times and are less ambiguous.

Human nature is insanely messy, but even messy things like morality can be navigated if you keep an open mind instead of being morality police while balancing your own principles.

/r/ask Thread