If feminism is the belief that women are equal to men, then why not call it equalism? Doesn't the name feminism immediately show bias or imbalance?

I think the best examples are when there are problems men complain about that feminism would actually solve.

Men aren't against feminism, they're against women who claim they want equality but don't actually want to put away their own advantages.

Speaking on my own observations, 26yo male, grow up with a feminist mom and kinda with feminist aunt (they're twins and very close so she's almost always there):

If more people were feminists they would accept that women can also be breadwinners and men can be just as good caregivers.

Yes, however mom/aunt aren't interested in being a breadwinner. Sharing the tasks 50/50 when in comes to children and home? Of course yes! Sharing the work to provide bread on the table? Hell no.

Sharing the tasks about doing the dishes, vacuuming, basically what the woman in expected to do: yes. Mowing the lawn or racking leaves (that doesn't require any strength etc): you're such an ass for even suggesting that.

Men complain about how they have to bottle up their feelings and deal with stuff themselves. Why is this? Because displaying emotions is seen as a "feminine" trait and to seem more manly it is better to do the complete opposite. This topic also applies to men complaining about how no one takes men being raped seriously.

Yes, and who exactly is laughing at them when they show weakness? Women, wife's friends, absolutely not dad's mates.

Sooo many men have a mindset that all girls want is money and "these hoes ain't loyal" and "all women are the same."

I mean, look at social medias, look at when some people who sole goal in life is to marry a rich SO, in 99% of the cases which gender is that some people?

To solve this problem? Let women go out and work with equal pay and equal treatment.

I agree and don't know much on the subject. It's been like that in my industry for years but that's probably not true everywhere.

Stop talking over them in meetings and stop any unwanted harassment.

100% agree.

The final word is that a lot of women hide behind feminism to get more without giving up anything. That's why today some people are unconfortable with that word and prefer equality, it's not a matter of what the dictionary actually says about it.

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