If the IRS or State Tax Board screws you, costing hundreds in fees and related costs, but it was their error to begin with (didn't owe), is there a way to recoup losses? An Advocacy Group perhaps?

CA. Franchise Tax Board. Took my entire bank account on Friday. Gave no notice to me whatsoever. About $100 in my pocket. Monday morning, i called and they agreed that they shouldn't have taken it since they had all of my filings, and were only waiting on one original doc to be Recieved, though they had a faxed copy. They actually owe me money. Said it would be released and back in my account in an hour. Nope. Called the bank, talked to a total dickhead at Wels Fargo. Wouldn't even confirm they had the release. Tuesday, more of the same, only now my bills are due, low on food (5 ppl, incl kids and Sr), no gas to get to work, and bank fees for the filing and release. I'm /we're screwed, left with out even the means to hire a Lawyer-duh, the obvious need. Getting back Fridays paycheck is only part of it, I'm out hundreds; maybe worse if I don't get it NOW. Anyway, I hope that's enough information to be pointed in the direction of someone who can help. Who the hell gave Tax Collectors the right to seize anything at anytime willy-nilly? They're fucked. And at fault.

/r/legaladvice Thread