If r/WhitePeopleTwitter did what r/BlackPeopleTwitter did, it wouldn't be acceptable.

I think it's funny how upset people are about all this. I think it's funny the BPT made a blackness test when Jim Crow laws had whiteness tests or literacy tests that mainly disenfranchised blacks. I think it's funny that WWII Germany had people prove they were Aryan or weren't Jews, and no the opposite is happening.

Except this all happening on a Reddit forum where people post screencaps of Twitter, with a focus on black culture, except most of the participants are clearly white.

And when the mods jokingly said "hey, prove you're black" as an April Fool's gag, acknowledging that their user base isn't that black, those same white people lost their goddamn minds.

Seeing this, the mods decided to keep the joke going to troll all of you and it's working. Look at how pissed off everyone is. Look how deep into this comment chain you are.

It's really funny. If you really can't see the humor in it, I'm sorry. You're missing out.

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