[Serious] People who have killed another person, accidently or on purpose, what happened?

Darling, you were a kid. Kids do stupid stuff all the time. It's been 15 years. Put this burden on the ground, and walk away. Enough. Enough now, okay? You can't carry this millstone around your neck forever. Enough is enough. You were just a stupid kid and stuff happens. Forgive yourself.

The stupid stuff we did as kids? I shudder now to think of it. It's an ABSOLUTE WONDER nobody died. We were dumbasses, and bored. We never set out to maliciously hurt somebody but kids experiment, and that's how it should be. Thankfully the damage was all confined to us. I think broken bones and a couple of damn good thrashings were the worst we got. Thank God.

It was an ACCIDENT. You didn't intend for it to happen, and you were a dumb kid. Like every other kid at 11. Stop being a martyr to this cause and move on. I have a feeling that this is defining your life. That's very sad to me. If anything, try to live for them. You have a lot of living to catch up on. Stop with the wallowing and let go.

I feel sad for you. You're like one of those chained up dogs that gets his chain wrapped around a tree, and can't reach his water. The difference is you (and only you) can take that collar and chain off any time you want. Think on it. I wish you the best my friend.

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