My (24f) boyfriend (31m) has been super testy and.. Mean the last few days, then is extra sweet.. Then mean.. Not sure what's going on.

He's manipulating you: though he's too coward to do it directly, he's trying to distance himself from you by being cruel and pushing you away. This happened with an ex of mine. It's abusive, you shouldn't tolerate it, and to be honest I wouldn't be surprised if there were new things in his life he has more interest in pursuing now than a healthy relationship with you for whatever reason. Could be a number of things (mood-altering drugs, or there's some one else, even an onset of some mental illness where's he delusional about what's going on and screwing up handling it but nonetheless making YOU unsafe which is UNACCEPTABLE, etc -- these are not NECESSARILY happening but these can be causes), but whatever the reason, please save yourself time and have zero tolerance on this abusive bullshit. It would be different if he were not mistreating you, but he is, and he is consciously choosing to do so. That is unacceptable, he is an adult who is accountable for his actions at this point, and who can hurt you badly. Leave now and have more lovely times in your life whereas this abusive stuff will only waste your life time when you could be out happy even possibly with the ACTUAL Mr. Right (this guy is choosing not to be...). Oh, and the abuse only escalates as time goes on. It will get worse.

/r/relationships Thread