If you’re a guy, at some point you have to accept that it’s over

Your whole message radiates anger and pessimism, and that attitude will really hurt your chances. Confidence isn't something society around you supplies you with; confidence is something you yourself build and cultivate, which needs to remain unchanged regardless of what happens to you in life and how people around you treat you.

You didn't get a date for a long time? There are people who are single for 10-15 years who are perfectly happy and confident because they choose to be. A part of me thinks you've created expectations for how women should be treating you, as if you were owed a date because you were confident, nice, tall, whatever.

Nobody owes you anything. Every person in this world is different, with their own interests, and with their own qualities they find attractive in others. The way you perceive the world is your choice, your responsibility; it's not other's responsibility to make you feel loved, happy, confident, any of those things. You need to be happy and to love yourself before you can look for a relationship, or you'll end up in a cycle of rejection or loneliness that'll have you end up feeling resentful.

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