If you spoke to yourself like you would to your best friend, what would you tell yourself right now?

You made the right decision about choosing your own mental health over money. Its really not easy to make that decision. It also sucks to not be able to do what brings you purpose, sense of acheivement in life due to the state of mind you are in but you have a small (but) pretty good support system right now. And it helps alot.

On the other hand, other people around you might not know what exactly you are going through and may have made insensitive comments to you, but thank you for still holding on even though you are hurt.

It still reflects strength. You don't have to be able to brush off the comments, successful in not letting the remarks get to you, still be able to feel confident to call yourself strong.

You are brave for taking the first step of asking for help and i am proud of you for being so patient with yourself. Although things don't look like its going to get better immediately, you are waiting it out believing that things would get better one day, how it feels to be okay again, to the day where you can thrive in life again.

Thank you for asking this question. I really needed this.

/r/AskReddit Thread