If Symmetra kills you while she has a teleporter up, you can see the icon showing where it is located on the killcam.

just because I didn't start with a "sir" and ended with a "sincerely your's" people assume I'm being obnoxious

This is one of the most absurd things I have heard and part of the reason you are coming across as obnoxious. Maybe I can help, although you claim to not care.

This is the comment you originally replied to

For what it's worth, the gameplay itself seems incredibly polished. The bugs thus far have been mostly map/UI issues if I'm not mistaken

Here is your reply

There's a couple things with aiming, hitboxes and hit registry as well but the games core systems are definitely well polished.

This pretty much seems like you're agreeing with his "the bugs..." statement and adding on to it. So someone responded further adding to the seemingly polite discussion but out of know where you reply with this

I'm getting a lot of these replies, so I'll just say this:

Where in my post do I say bug? Sure, it's fair to assume I meant them as bugs, but I say them more as "these are things that aren't reflective of the 'blizzard polish'"

This is the rude part. Has nothing to do with you not using the words "sir" or "sincerely yours" and assuming that is the reason just shows you don't realize when you're being rude. As someone pointed out this comes across defensive and dismissive (for no reason), you admit it is understandable to assume you meant bugs so saying "where in my post do i say bug?" is really unnecessary (and again, comes across as rude). You could have simply said something like "Oh I think you're right, I never meant they were bugs but rather an indication that the game isn't fully polished."

Then someone answers your question (where in my do i say bug) and your response

K, well...I explained myself..so..

basically says "fuck you what are you replying for" (again, rude as fuck) and then the best part is that you still don't see that you're being a complete tool and go on to assume that you're being downvoted bc people disagree with you, which adds even more so to you coming across as an ass.

You continue on with this line of reasoning which is baffling. You assume you're being disagreed with an thus the downvotes, someone explains it is because you're being defensive, dismissive, and snarky. But you ignore that all together and now assume you're being downvoted "for defending yourself at a small misunderstanding." Again, someone tries to clear things up for you in an easier way by saying you're being a jerk which somehow equates to "oh i'm a jerk because i didn't suck his cock" (no you're a jerk bc you think like that...) and once again it is not because you don't use sir or sincerely yours when you know damn well very few people talk like that on here.

Stop making excuses for yourself and realize you were being a complete ass.

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