If time in the game wasn't meant to be spent shooting into caves for engrams, certainly it *also* isn't meant to be spent shooting the same eight enemies in the Exclusion Zone

The economy certainly seems intended to promote players trying and hopefully enjoying other activities not simply the raid and only the raid every week. And there's a tendency to want to dismiss it and say, "hey you're going to need XP to level the raid gear outside of it anyway, so just clear your bounties doing strikes and stop thinking about how much money you could be making doing a tedious glimmer exploit." Maybe Bungie should put in a "no glimmer for a minute after wiping" debuff, like with they did with the invisible loot engram drop debuff, to dissuade people from trying to do as little as possible in the game to just focus on getting the best shit from the raid then quit till the new DLC drops and repeat that. Would that even be a fix, though?

The question kind of puts these other activities under the microscope. Are they actually fun and interesting enough for people that raid that replaying those 8 strikes, or doing that story mission again, or doing a bunch more patrols isn't a chore when it's solely for glimmer in preparation for the raid and not to clear bounties for gear leveling? The anticipation of maxing the new gear you got seems enough to promote running bounties without as much complaint, and players with foresight might think to use their consumables to earn glimmer while doing so, if they end up with enough the cycle works, maybe, but new gear and the accompanying need to run bounties to level it happen infrequently enough that doing double duty this way is not always a weekly cycle. you don't always get enough gear you want to level from the raid or the nightfall to support that.

This maybe points to a deeper problem, both in motivations and whether the PvE activities are satisfying for player motivations outside of getting stuff, if people would rather do the tedious BS than do any more activities beyond the ones that give them coins/chances toward an exotic.

/r/DestinyTheGame Thread