If two drunk people have sex it makes no sense for people to validate one person as being assaulted or raped

This is not just “one of those” situations. Comparing being taken advantage of sexually to forgetting a casual conversation you had at a party doesn’t make a point.

Yes, she was found by her friends. Rapists are malicious and they are opportunistic, but you don’t seem bothered about that. You don’t know the context, or me or my friend personally but you do make assumptions, maybe based on the fact that she’s female so “she must be lying”. That is not helpful, you have no idea how hard it is to prove rape, so don’t speculate without knowing the context.

Does “taking the red pill” make you feel super angry when you hear a woman has been actually raped rather than another false accusation so you can feel better?

It makes me feel so weird when people are so quick to assume a woman is lying because they don’t want to face sexual abuse/harassment/rape that is a massive issue today and women/men have been shamed for being raped for so long until people started realising how common it is.

Although the Me Too movement has highlighted how much of a complex issue rape is, it’s also allowed people that have been raped but not able to open up about it due to social pressure less afraid.

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