If want to understand morbid womens sexual fantasies, no better book than

Here's a review of this book by a woman on named Nikkita on Amazon:

I first heard about Nancy Friday from "Men in Love", a collection of men's sexual fantasies. I found the fantasies in that book to be fascinatingly deep, thought out, and precious to the men who had them. You could actually see the world the man was building in his head. So when I heard there was a book by the same author about women's sexual fantasies I was very interested to see if they measured up.

I was very saddened by most of these fantasies. The sexual world of women in this book, in my opinion, came off shallow and unconcerned with their partners pleasure. The fantasies seemed to only exist to allow the women to bear through the unsatisfying sexual experiences with their men since time after time the women make it clear these fantasies are used during sex and were always of other men. The beautiful chapters in Men in Love where men talk of getting aroused from giving pleasure are absent from this book since the few times a woman is giving a man pleasure, she is being forced to.

While there is nothing wrong with these fantasies in general, putting so many of them in the book makes the book unbalanced. There are even several chapters dedicated to how a woman's sexual frustration can lead her to these fantasies! While I'm sure there are many sexual frustrated women, it made me sad that a woman's sexual world is put forth as simply a by-product of frustration, not a secret world that she loves, just like a man.

My main issue with this is that in the introduction, the author herself reveals a traumatizing experience where she told a lover about how she was fantasizing about another man as they had sex. He became upset and left. So I can't help but wonder if the respondents that made the author feel "normal" were put in the book while women who fantasized about very different things (like their own husbands/boyfriends) were left out.

The saddest outcome of this is that it makes women look like they almost have no attachment to men sexually. There isn't a love for men and the pleasure he is giving you (like there was in men's fantasies of women). It almost seemed like the women were simply using men just to get off, nothing more. And most of the time, it didn't seem to matter who the women were sleeping with. The men in their fantasies were just a means to an end. Some people might say it's liberating for a woman to be portrayed as men have been for years. But I think it does no justice to us to make our sexual worlds a place a man wants to know nothing about since he is lead to believe he isn't even in it. It makes our sexual world look like the place we retreat to to get back at him when he isn't satisfying us.

The part of me that likes to peek into people's minds found some of the fantasies interesting but none of them stuck with me for their depth as the ones in Men in Love. In that book, I felt like the men were happy to finally reveal how precious these fantasies were to them and how much they longed to try them. I felt that the women in this book were more happy in finally revealing when they fantasized (i.e during sex) rather than how precious their hidden sexual world was.

I thought my sexual world was going to be painted with the same beautiful brush a man's was painted with in her other book. But I found too much spiteful fantasizing in this book to feel like the woman's 'secret garden' was portrayed as skillfully as the man's

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