[IFF] In response to Tim Hunt's sexism, some of the women from my lab took part in #distractinglysexy

[http://www.nytimes.com/2014/04/24/upshot/the-pay-gap-is-because-of-gender-not-jobs.html] (NYTimes Article 2014), [http://www.iwpr.org/initiatives/pay-equity-and-discrimination](IWPR)

[http://www.npr.org/2013/06/10/189280329/50-years-after-the-equal-pay-act-gender-wage-gap-endures] (NPR)

I'm currently facing the pay disparity. I work in a lab with the same qualifications as the guys who graduated in my year, same job description, same title, and yet I'm making ~$8-10K LESS than they are. My other female counterpart with the same degree and qualifications has the same issue.

Childbearing is STILL a factor though in the workforce. Women essentially have to choose between having a family, or taking a dip in pay. Doesn't seem fair especially if you and your mate, or are a single parent. For a guy, of course it doesn't matter. They don't have to choose.

Yes, women have come farther than they have in decades, but there is definitely still a lot of work to do. This is a prominent scientist who admits that he's been distracted in the workplace by women, fallen in love with them, but things didn't work out. Doesn't mean that they need separate work areas. Yes, it's one guy, but he's the one who has just made a fool of himself.

Not all women cry in the workplace. He's making a sweeping generalization about women and their emotional state. Sure, you notice someone crying in a lab. You could also not be a distraction and do it at home or in your car. Guys with anger issues in the lab who cuss and throw things when they're angry are also a distraction. I work in a lab with 30 people. We have 5 women, 25 guys. I've never witnessed any of the women in hysterics in the lab . The guys though get visibly upset, agitated, and will express colorful language.

I agree, dress code is appropriate for the workplace. In high school however, the dress code was much stricter for females because we served as a distraction for hormonal guys. No sleeveless shirts, no v-necks, no bras showing under clothes, no skirts, no shorts, etc. If something happens, we're blamed for the way we dress.

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