I'm 17. The country will vote leave and I can't stop it. This is making me constantly sad.

Am eighteen, currently undecided (cutting it close, I know), but will be voting.

This has been a battle of hearts, not minds, where facts and figures and stats and sources don't matter. A well written article on staying will never get as much traction as fabricated statistics on Facebook that support leave.

That's equally true if you reverse the campaigns. People just like simple, sensationalist shit, and can't be bothered to do actual research. Equally true on both sides.

I'm rambling because I'm angry. All my friends are angry. We have no say, yet are functioning members of society who will be hit hard.

How will you be hit hard by this? Sure, if we end up leaving and the results are the worst possible predictions, it'll have an impact on your life, but it's unlikely to be an absolutely massive one, and there's honestly equal chance that the change will be a good one.

The issue is nobody actually knows what will happen long term if we leave, or even if we stay. Short term is even completely up in the air.

I can't change anything because I don't have the same opinion as the majority of the country, who I think are idiots.

And they probably all think you're an idiot. Everybody thinks that people who don't agree with their opinions are idiots.

And it's killing me inside. Everything feels pointless.


No matter which side wins, about half the country is going to feel pretty much what you're describing here. That's the political process. Some people have to lose in order for people to win. Get over it. Might seem harsh, but honestly, it's the truth, and getting depressed about something you can't change and, honestly, shouldn't want to (would you suggest we move away from democracy?) is stupid.

/r/unitedkingdom Thread