I'm [26 F] having issues with my fiance [29 M] watching too much porn.

Hmm, my best friend has an issue with porn as well. She feels that her husband looks at porn to see women that have assets she simply cannot compare to, and finds it not only insulting but divorce worthy.

I do not agree at all. I am a woman, who is married, and I watch porn on occasion and I have no idea if my husband does or not, but if he did I wouldn't mind. Porn does not replace my husband, and I have never watched it because they have something he does not. Masturbation is not used as a replacement either...sometimes a person just doesn't want to have sex, and would rather do it themselves. This is just the other side of your POV. It does NOT make you not normal, or not right.

Though, you need to think about whether this is a deal-breaker or not. If it isn't, I'd have a serious conversation with your fiance about how it makes you feel, why he watches it(I doubt he could answer this well, as I know I wouldn't have much of a good answer), and what you'd like from him and see where a compromise lies.

Porn isn't necessarily natural, and not all men do it. I'm a woman and I watch it - and honestly I'm almost positive my husband does not, and finds it slightly uncomfortable - and I also know other men who have little interest in it and other women who also find enjoyment from it. To me it's more like reading a book and getting a different side...porn is NOT EVEN KIND of realistic. It's just not...people don't have sex like that, and sex that feels good is also not usually done the way porn is. Watch some of the documentaries on porn, the women and men that star in it give the behind-the-scenes information that can really give a person perspective...it done to be visually pleasing and to give release to people who have kinks.

I can almost promise you he does not watch it because he finds you lacking. He does not not want sex because he had his fill of porn.

There is nothing wrong with you caring about it, what is wrong is you need to honest with your fiance about it and how it makes you feel. If he's worth his salt porn isn't going to be more important than you. If my husband voiced a negative opinion about it, I would respect him and find a compromise that makes him happy. Your fiance should do the same.

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