I'm [26F] absolutely terrified of having a child, but I feel like I should for the sake of my parents [53F/55M].

On the point of "making" your own family, you should keep in mind that that might not turn out at all like you hope. You can't choose the personality of your kid, and you can't guarantee they'll be there for you when you're older. A kid is definitely not "old-age loneliness insurance" and it would be unfair of you to bring a person into the world with that expectation.

It's not the sole reason for having a kid, but it's something I think about as a benefit to having children. I don't care what personality they have as long as they are healthy, well-functioning adults. I think it will be fun to see what they are like. I have no expectations for their personality, and I think about having a child and look forward to the idea of getting to know them.

I have read a book already about pregnancy to the first few years of having a baby to understand how my body will change and how to handle those times as a parent. I've made an effort to learn about it. But I'm also very scared of those things. Sleep deprivation? Sure, that's do-able. C-section? Dear god no, that terrifies me, and the fact that I'd be awake for it makes me more scared.

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