I'm 27, have a college degree, and good paying job (75k), should I move in with parents to aggressively pay off my student loan debt?

Yeah, I was in a similar situation.

About a year after grad school there were some family issues that I won't get into too much details on. But I ended up moving out of my apartment and moving in with my parents (who are in their late 70s).

It was only about 4 months. I helped them with some bills while I was there but it pretty much eliminated my food bill. I was able to put a bigger dent in my student loans and it may have helped my parents out a bit financially as well. My parents still treated me like I was in elementary school sometimes (mom always telling me it's too cold to be out without a jacket, telling me to be home before dark, making sure I woke up in time for work). But it was really nice to live with them again.

It was nice to be able to see them daily. I got a home cooked lunch and dinner every day. My dad (who doesn't drink) would even "sneak" me a beer during dinner. We never had any deep conversations or anything but it was nice being back home with them. My dad passed away about 2 years later and the time spent there was priceless.

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