I'm at a crossroads and in need of advice. He (32m) has just gone through much pain and isn't emotionally available. I (18f) like him and am frustrated as he still does (romantic stuff). please read on.

This man is what us 30 year old women refer to as "a loser" who lives with a teenager and blabbers to her because she's naive and will pine for him despite that he obviously has zero interest in using you as anything but an emotional tampon.

Don't take this personally, but it's pretty clear this guy has absolutely no respect for you. Despite what you may or may not have heard, there are many kind-hearted, caring men around your age that will actually treat you with respect.

My last final note, as an older, happily married woman? Any man with a bunch of "crazy exes" is the kind of guy treats women like dirt and then paints them crazy to the next woman. Just like any woman who does the same. That's a sure-fire sign of someone who treats people like shit.

/r/relationships Thread