I'm a guy in love with my lesbian best friend

Not sure if its helpful for you seeing it from the other perspective but, I'm a lesbian and my best friend is a guy, I've known him since I was 11 (26 now) He was the only guy I've every done sexual things with (not full sex but all the inbetween) when we were young (14 ish) and going through puberty etc. I dont feel anything for him romantically or sexually but I really love him! I see him once or twice a week, always fridays for some drinks and he stays over at mine and my girlfriends house. I dont doubt he still has strong feelings for me, but it doesn't affect our friendship. I would say tell her, but also she probably already knows, my friend hasn't ever told me but I know how he feels about me. The only thing that matters is that hes my best friend and we both care about each other a lot! You can still love her super hard and eventually you'll be able to move past the sad feelings and have the happy ones of being her best pal.

/r/confessions Thread