I'm holding my BCH. I surprised myself.

  1. To come up with that you literally have to be a simpleton. The stats for trans-gender suicide are 3x that of Clinically depressed people(which btw disqualifies you for the Military). https://www.livescience.com/11208-high-suicide-risk-prejudice-plague-transgender-people.html So stop being anti-science. The military is about winning and killing our enemies. They don't let people in for a reason. Flat foot? Denied. MR? Denied. MH? Denied. Need insulin? Denied. Need any other drug to function? Denied. Why are the people likely to commit suicide has nothing to do with not being able to join the military, they are almost always clinically depressed. That 41 percent suicide rate among transgender people is more than 25 times the rate of the general population, which is 1.6 percent. And among trans people ages 18-44, the suicide attempt rate was 45 percent.

To summarize, in almost every state it is illegal for a Clinically depressed person to own a gun(for a good reason). Almost all Trans Gender people are clinically depressed. Just look it up. I don't care about a simpleton commenting back to me that "this hurts my feelings because of the facts you gave me". That isn't an argument, and you don't do Trans people any justice by being completely ignorant of their plight/problems/suicide rate/depression/MH and other factors.

  1. I never said anything like that. You literally just made shit up because your an idiot who wants to argue. You have no facts of your own so you just take what someone else says, make up your own interpretation of it, and then no matter what I actually said you convince yourself that I said it. STRAWMAN. Holy shit dude. How can you be this stupid.

  2. Never said nuke another country, STRAWMAN AGAIN!!! LOGICAL FALLACY WINNER you are.... Holy shit dude...I even said in my fking post I have compassion for those under control of NK. Wow. You are delusion idiot. Seriously get lost. Blocked you because you are just so dumb. You are a time wasting troll. You have no facts and just want to argue for the sake of having someone talk back to you. Get some professional help.

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