I'm not even a Bernie Bro but that's a hell of a clap back right there!

Bro? Why do you call me bro? I’m not your bro, okay “bro” ??????? You know “bro” I actually have a name, maybe you should try using it “bro.” What does bro even mean??????? Brother???? Am I your brother now???? Do I look like your brother??????? Does bro stand for something????? Broke Retarded Orphan???? So now I’m a retard??? And your poking fun that my cousin’s, friend’s, uncle is a orphan???? At this day and age you’d think you’d have some respect “bro.” Yanno there are 554,000 homeless Americans every night living on the street because they don’t have a home and they are homeless people without homes to live in???? But you don’t care because they aren’t your “bros” are they “bro” ??????? I didn’t think so “bro.” So next time you call someone bro just remember that it’s not funny to make fun of poor orphans with disabilities “bro.” Okay “bro” ?????????? By the way Chad’s having like a dope ass party and whatever on Friday so like if you wanna go I’m down but like Chelsea’s like such a fucking bitch and like I think she’ll be there. Anyways bro I love you <3 talk to you later my mom needs help bringing in the groceries.

/r/clevercomebacks Thread Link - i.imgur.com