I'm not sure if I'm an antinatalist, or if I hold unpopular political views. Help?

First off, it's not something I intend to do any longer.

Why not put your mind towards Pearce's idea of removing suffering?

I have a lot of respect for what David Pearce is trying to do, but I'm doubtful about humans ever progressing to the point where we'd eliminate suffering for us and all other life. Human nature is fundamentally shit, and so to have any chance of accomplishing something like this we would need to modify our nature (something Pearce acknoweldges, I believe). But are we really so confident that any modifications made to human nature will be in the interests of making us kinder, more compassionate beings? To quote from John Gray's Straw Dogs:

"'Humanity' does not exist. There are only humans, driven by conflicting needs and illusions, and subject to every kind of infirmity of will and judgement.
If anything about the present century is certain, it is that the power conferred on 'humanity' by new technologies will be used to commit atrocious crimes against it. If it becomes possible to clone human beings, soldiers will be bred in whom normal human emotions are stunted or absent. Genetic engi­neering may enable age-old diseases to be eradicated. At the same time, it is likely to be the technology of choice in future genocides."

Besides, the universal extinction of life guarantees the complete elimination of all suffering, which isn't the case with Pearce's idea of a hedonistic utopia.

I do not care about the continuation of life itself. I do not believe life has any intrinsic value. The only thing I value is the elimination of suffering, and the extinction of all life seems like the cleanest and most effective way of accomplishing that.

That's vastly more plausible than destroying all life in the universe, people will pay you to do it

You still haven't heard my proposal. Billions if not trillions of dollars will be poured into accomplishing what I have in mind, and probably already has been. This is because there is huge corporate interest behind the technology I'm imagining because, while it has the potential to lead to the extinction of all life, it also has the potential to massively increase the profitability of any company that utilises it. Every day brings us closer to realising what I have in mind just as much as what David Pearce does, and I'll be very interested to see how it all ultimately pans out.

and ultimately you won't have to murder anyone.

I have no qualms with murdering anyone. To be honest, I kind of like the idea.

/r/antinatalism Thread