Im stuck and Im not sure which direction I should be heading in.

Looking at the tree, build has 179% max life on tree, with 350 strength.

This will end you up around ~5.5-6k at 90, if all your flat life rolls are tops (min 70+). Top tier life rolls are essential. The 46 on your gloves won't cut it, etc.

You're not too bad. Your life value is not too bad either for the level. You only have 2 jewel sockets, which is often how players break a lot higher health. Flat life rolls make a big difference. 80+ rolls are what you want, +strength on items doesn't hurt either. The extra 15 etc. each piece makes a huge difference. Basically, min/maxing.

What you really need to do, is learn the 'bestiary' I think. Learn what the critters do, what attacks they do, etc. what is crushing you? How are they crushing you?

That build is not very 'defensive' stat-wise. I know Lifting claims it to be, but he's a very experienced player is more why his perception is such. Just knowing all the critters/attacks makes the most difference.

Lastly, roll your flasks better. You need a bleed removal flask for starters.

/r/pathofexile Thread