Imagine being so ugly and unwanted as a woman that the only way you can get your fill of men's attention is by hanging out on /r/incels constantly because the only male attention you can get is from literally the lowest most worthless males in attention. You might as well write to convicts, lol.

You'd be surprised at how much I compare my teenage self to the guys or gals that post this sorta stuff. (I don't really comment here, btw.)

I get frustrated reading stuff like this so much so...

I want to grab them and shake them like I want to shake my younger self, "RELAX A TINY BIT. TRY TO PUT YOURSELF IN OTHER PEOPLE'S SHOES. BE MORE CONSIDERATE. DON'T USE STEREOTYPES TO MAKE EXCUSES. dflkjglkjgfjl"

This goes for a lot cringe-worthy comments on the internet, "No, stop, you aren't more logical just because you don't understand what they're saying, STOP. Don't use big words to solely to convince yourself you're smarter than your peers, STOP DON'T MAKE THE SAME MISTAKE I DID. You can still meet lots of considerate, smart, hard-working people, including women, but you won't get to know them

IF. YOU. DON'T. STOP. And do something else. Literally anything else."

Thanks for reading my silly,unnecessary rant, lol. Please remember, it has nothing to do with getting attention from guys. Most people on are here to look at funny pictures or have a discussion. (I think a lot of people feel frustrated reading this sub and comment because they know the attitudes on here are something a lot people have grown out of. As an added bonus, it also makes them cringe super hard) Wow, this got long. Oops.

/r/Incels Thread Parent