Free Talk Fridays - Week of December 2, 2016

Hey everyone! What video games have you been playing and what do you think of them? Did you get anything for Black Friday/Cyber Monday?

I had an exam this week, so I haven't been playing much, but I did pick up DOOM from the recent Steam sale. It's really refreshing to have a shooter play so well. The glory kills are great and feel really rewarding to do, and the difficulty is high enough to make for some tough fights when I play on the highest available difficulty. I'm also having a lot of fun with all the different guns that I can use, as each one is viable and has it's own strengths and weaknesses.

This Black Friday, I picked up a bunch of things. While the deals weren't as good in Canada, there were still some decent things that I snagged. I got a 750GB SSD, a triple monitor mount, a really good Lenovo laptop for my dad, and a brand new printer. If I was planning on upgrading my build, I probably would've also gotten a new processor and motherboard. But for those things, I'm waiting a couple more years since my processor is still good.

/r/anime Thread