The imminent SCOTUS appointment has me triggered 24/7. What do I do?

Stop watching the news.

I had an abortion in Texas at the height of the political debates and news coverage regarding abortion clinics closures. I was scared shitless.

But not only was I able to get an appointment the same day I called, I was offered financial assistance (50% less) because I wasn't working at the time.

I'd read twox and their comments and posts about abortions in Texas petrified me but it turned out to be NOTHING like the comments and articles were making it seem. Sure I had to do the 24 hr waiting, an ultrasound and hear about risks but there was nothing that actually made it difficult. All that shit was just political fear mongering, it's political theater. Both right and left do it.

I posted a comment once to a girl who was terrified of the not being able to get an abortion and when I shared my experience in Texas tons of people not even from Texas told me they were shocked and surprised.

Politicians don't actually care about abortions one way or the other.

I used to be very involved in news, politics, activism and social justice causes but it really was not healthy for me and as it turns out was mostly an outlet for me to be angry in a way that seemed productive, but it really wasn't. The thing that made me call it quits on politics was finding out, during the Obama administration btw, that immigrant women were being sexually assaulted at detention centers and hearing immigration lawyers and human rights lawyers talk about what they witnessed at these detention centers. This was waaaay before Trump. Way before. I was flipping out, I felt like I lived in a fascist nation and no one cared. People called me racist! When it broke in the news recently as something Trump did and they were trying to explain away Obama administration's role I honestly felt like I was in 1984 FOR REAL. Only the friends I ranted to about it years earlier understood.

Sometimes I'll meet new people who try to shame me for not watching the news but fuck em, I know I was more informed than all of them. I used to read executive orders and defense budgets.

/r/CPTSD Thread