The importance of head positioning in Jiu-Jitsu — BJJ Mental Models

I generally enjoy your podcast, but there's an element of your show I really dislike. It happens most when Rob is on. He repeatedly refers to how people are idiots, constantly talking about himself as if he is incredibly intelligent, and can't get over how absurdly stupid other people are. I find this self-congratulation/ridicule combo really off-putting, and it has made me turn your show off more than once without finishing it.

You guys do the same to a lesser extent when it's just you two. I mean, I know everyone thinks they're super intelligent and all, but sheesh, it all feels pretty superior, and it brings down the tone of the conversation for me to hear you guys talking about how imbecilic everyone is all the time.

If people are ignorant and uneducated, for the most part it's probably not their fault. Intelligence of the kind you guys ridicule people for lacking is generally something one gains because they're exposed to a certain level of intellectual discourse during their upbringing. Or they have a natural intellectual curiosity that one is either born with or not. You guys shit talking people who aren't as "smart" as you all the time just feels kind of lame and shitty. Or that's how it comes off to me, anyway. Probably most people aren't bothered by it.

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