Incidents of anti-Muslim abuse in the UK up by 326% in 2015, says monitoring group

I got new for you, buddy. 100% of Muslim already live under Shariah. Of course everyone wants laws and regulations. We cannot live in a society that has no laws. In fact each and every society in this world has laws and regulations. In your mind, you probably think Shariah = killing homosexuals. That's just one aspect of law. And if majority don't agree with this law, it won't be passed. In fact, we see that majority of worlds nations don't execute people for being gay. Just as they shouldn't. We still see some people vying for it. And there will be always those. Doesn't mean they'll be given what they want.

Islam is a religion. It's not force on people. Majority of people are Muslim or Christian or Jews or other religion's adherent because that's where they were brought up. Very, very few people chose their faith. They just practice what they are born into. So your stupid ass comment about if Islam wasn't forced there won't be any Muslim is stupid. Because Islam isn't force. Nor are any other religion.

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