This industry is facing a serious wakeup call

There are a couple problems with pay in aviation maintenance.

First, is the amount of retirees from the military. With a check and medical benefits coming in. They can work for less. And the companies know it.

Second, is the amount of reservists. Who get a smaller check and medical benefits. Who can work for less.

Third, aviation maintenance is one of the few places you will find people who will work for free. Just volunteer there time to be around aircraft.

The last Vietnam guys are retired. I worked for the Air Force from 1981 to 2018. Active Duty, Reservist and Federal employee. I was working at a business jet manufacturer till Covid fucked up my plans. I’m now retired.

There is an overall shortage of every trade right now. Not just aviation. The companies that step up to the plate will stay in business. The ones that don’t will eventually farm out there work overseas. Or shutdown.

/r/aviationmaintenance Thread