INFPs, tell me about your career of choice. What made you go down this path and are you satisfied with your experiences in your current occupation?


I'm currently majoring in Welding because back in high school I was all into industrial stuff and working in that sort of environment always sounded cool to me and people keep telling me it pays well whatever the hell that's supposed to mean to me and I'm pretty good at it and I guess it's nice to know I'm making a physical difference in the world but my superficial love for all things industrial has kind of faded over the years and I think I'm starting to have second thoughts and as my interest in art and personal expression has grown stronger I've been working on a concept for this large-scale fantasy comic and it just feels so good to be able to construct my own world from scratch but the problem is that I'm getting so distracted trying to unfuck myself from all these scary new problems and responsibilities I guess I was supposed to instantly know everything about that I never have any time to really focus on world-building like I used to and I have to spend all my time absorbing as much inspiration as I can to keep up with the rate of creativity that was once a second nature to me and now I just feel like all I'm doing is polishing my tools instead of fucking building something and on top of that I almost never draw anymore so the whole idea of creating a VISUAL STORY is suddenly seeming much less realistic but I know for a fact that I can't back out now because this is too important to be and that's fine and dandy because I have the motivation to do what I've always wanted to do but now I'm starting to think this whole welding thing wasn't such a good idea but this too I don't think I can back out from because that would mean I wasted three years of my life learning welding for nothing and I don't want to let my family down by backing out of a well-paying career that I'm actually good at so I can focus on writing (which I know nothing about) and drawing (which I know nothing about) some pipe-dream comic that I've never told a soul about and SO I'M JUST STUCK IN THIS NOT-SO-BAD HOLE THAT I REALLY DON'T WANT TO BE IN BUT I CAN'T CRAWL OUT FROM AND I'M SCARED AND CONFUSED AND FEEL LIKE AN ASSHOLE FOR COMPLAINING BUT I JUST REALLY DON'T FEEL HAPPY AND BY THE WAY DID I MENTION ON TOP OF ALL THIS SHIT I HAVE REALLY BAD IDENTITY ISSUES JESUS I DON'T KNOW WHERE I AM OR HOW I GOT HERE OR WHAT I CAN DO TO GET MY LIFE BACK ON TRACK OR HOW TYPING THIS INCOHERENT RANT IS SUPPOSED TO HELP ME FIGURE ALL THIS OUT.

Bed time!

/r/infp Thread