Inpatient for Males

It’s not a program as much as it is a treatment plan dictated by nurses and doctors and entry level orderly staff who only have a baseline training in mental health. It helps better if you’re depressed rather than manic, as you get a chance to get away, sleep, and socialize with other people. It’s kinda like adult daycare tho. You will have a schedule to abide by that includes group therapy, arts and crafts, etc...and you most likely will have to take a doctor prescribed medication for at least a few days for the doctors to think you’re stable enough to be discharged. You’re looking at an average of about a week if you stick with the program.

Me, I’m a stubborn mf so I’ve had hospitalizations that have lasted weeks just for refusal to take meds. I’m an anti psych med kinda guy but once you’re there it’s either take the meds or go to court where you will most likely be ordered by a judge to take meds (by force if necessary).

It helps tho lol even if it’s just to remove yourself from whatever you’re dealing with at the time. Honestly I think the meds are just a way to pay for and justify letting depressed and manic people stay in a healthcare facility for days while they feed you, wash your clothes, give you therapy and other medical services. I mean, I’d love it if they removed the heavy dependence on the med part of their treatment plans but it’s capitalism and those meds can add up to thousands of dollars just for one patient.

/r/adultsurvivors Thread