Insecure Trump takes revenge on 62 million women by removing birth control mandate

Hello 1 month old troll account.

Or, the public should pay a base level allowing a national entity to equally and without prejudice provide medical care and assistance for all. In the course of which it should provide birth control to women and men as this has been shown to greatly decrease abortions, unwanted pregnancies/births, possibly reduce crime, poverty, and allow greater freedom. It also lowers rates of welfare usage in most cases.

But that (and your point) is not my initial argument. My end goal would be a nationalised healthcare system similar to Canada allowing people to not rely on their jobs or for profit system for healthcare freeing up the opportunity for moving jobs, starting a business, etc without the overhead or worry of healthcare costs for you or your employees. Want me to start that small business? ake barriers to entry and operation costs lower by taking the billions we already spend as a nation (per capita more than basically every other western nation) and use it provide services instead of going into the pockets of those who lobby the system to stack it against the citizens.

My argument is about using a nationalised healthcare system to promote the economy. Providing family planning or birth control to men and women is a perk.

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