Insider Leaks: How Serious is the Situation at SOE (x-post /r/EQNext)

"things that still are horrible, as if made by hobbyists: the UI, the controls, the lack of configuration."

Wow sounds like what ive been complaining about with the current state of the platoon tools weve been coping with since launch.

  1. The UI itself lacks any kind of extended information or anything past the purely functional, no squad name no outfit stuff no emblems, the very basics.

  2. Controls. The UI is too basic to support simple operations, EG us moving ourselves into different squads. This prevents leaders from creating self managing vehicle type squads as we cant move ourselves in and out when we are down, other people come whatever, its all got to be micromanaged by the PLs/SLs (who need to be focussed on other things), EG PLs not able to move themselves within the group EG PLs not being able to change names or settings of other squads (and several other EGs).

  3. Lack of configuration, there are some simple problems which just need a bit of ironing out, EG squads made public by default not closed by default (so we dont have to explain time and again to a newbie SL to open his squad, hard sometimes in EU with language issues) (and yes itll mean SOE will have to work out a placeholder squad name but thats hardly rocket science). EG The age old and continually problematic issue of who gets the lead when the PL/SL crashes.

  4. No hope for future improvements to teamplay, if they cant find time to improve these basics then what hope do we have of seeing a bright future of companies, fireteams or anything else added?

"you can’t change the mouse settings. The graphics look extremely washed out, and there is no gamma setting."

ESF pilots have been asking for an age to be able to change theirs, the graphics had a bit of a tweak recently yes but fog/bloom and all those mushy shader effects arent always that great and can make it feel a bit washed out, esp on a screen coloured more to the blue, and there is no gamma setting.

But ofc that guy was talking about Landmark, but it looks like we are all in the same boat :/

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